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« : Grudnia 31-12-2019, 04:35:04 »

7 Essential Editing Tips EVERY Article Marketer Should Know! ECommerce Articles | June 17 Cheap Solomon Thomas Jersey , 2008
If you're using article marketing to drive traffic to your website, learning some basic editing skills will save your life when it comes to creating articles that readers will enjoy reading and publishers will want to publish. This article will show you 7 essential editing steps every article marketer should know!

If you're trying to drive traffic to your website with article marketing, learning some basic editing skills will will help you creating articles that readers will enjoy reading and publishers will want to publish. This article will show you 7 essential editing tips every article marketer should know.

Tip #1: Put your article away for a few days and then look at it with fresh eyes.

This is what I always tell folks, and from my own experience I know that giving my brain a rest and completely wiping the article from my mind helps me spot errors that I glanced right over just a few days prior. Ideally, you would write a first draft, put it aside for a few days Cheap Richard Sherman Jersey , edit, then put aside your final draft for few days, then re-read it before you submit your article.

Tip #2: Print your article on paper.

Holding an actual piece of writing in your hands and editing *away* from the computer helps with the editing process. I will usually print out whatever writing piece I'm working on the night before, and then the next morning I'll sit at the kitchen table with a red pen close at hand. I'll make my changes, then go to the computer to change the article there.

Tip #3: Read your article out loud.

I use this technique with every single article, and it helps me so much. It's amazing the subtle phrasing awkwardness or grammar mistakes you can notice just by reading your article out loud.

Tip #4: Weed out what is not absolutely necessary.

Every word Cheap Jimmy Garoppolo Jersey , sentence, and paragraph must *earn* a spot in your article. A long article is nothing to brag about if it is longer than it needs to be. The ultimate goal is to craft an article that conveys exactly the information you want to get across in as few words as possible.

Tip #5: Use vocabulary that is easily digestible.

Did you know that most newspapers are purposely written on a 2nd grade level? Journalists are not trying to insult the intelligence of their readers; they just want to make their articles as easy to read as possible. Follow in the footsteps of the pros-- chop out all fancy words, niche jargon and pretentious phrasing. Write in a way that is approachable and easy to understand.

Tip #6: Customize your writing to fit the medium of article marketing.

Sometimes I'll run into folks who complain that the word count limit of most article directories is too short. You see, they have a 10 page essay that has won awards, and they feel like chopping any bit of it will compromise the integrity of the piece. I always tell folks that their article must be customized to fit the medium. Article marketing publishers are not looking for 10 page essays, and readers won't read all that anyway!

So Cheap Kentavius Street Jersey , if you have some pre-made content, like a book or some essays that you've written that you know are of excellent quality, know that you will need to alter that content to suit article marketing. Most directories have a word count limit of around 400-1500 words, so re-work your content to fit within those boundaries.

Tip #7: Create two articles out of one if necessary.

Word count is a big deal when you're doing article submissions, so you need to be sure that your article fits within the publisher's word count limitations. For optimum results, try keeping your article within 700-800 words.

Yes Cheap Tarvarius Moore Jersey , there is an ideal word count range! Quality articles that are 700-800 words have the best chance of getting picked up for publication.

If you're aiming for the word count sweet spot, you may need to change your 'Top 10' list article into two 'Top 5' list articles, or re-work your 1500 word article into two 750 word articles. When splitting an article into two, each article should be a stand alone article. Each article should be complete in itself because a reader will not necessarily read both articles, and articles written in parts are not as attractive to ezine editors.

I hope these tips were helpful to you! These are editing tips that the pros use that a writer of any skill level can use too.

Remember, anyone can pick up your free reprint article for publication. This means your article may appear on websites over which you have no control Cheap Fred Warner Jersey , potentially for years to come, so it's well worth ensuring the quality of your article by doing careful editing *before* you submit your article!

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